Cub Scout Pack 97 to Hold Open House
Cub Scout Pack 97 in Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, will hold its annual Open House on Sunday, Sept. 10 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Scout Complex located at 1831 Felker Road in Middletown.
The event is open to boys — and now GIRLS — going into kindergarten through 5th grade. Youth do not need to reside in Londonderry Township to join the Pack. Parents or adult partners should plan on staying at the event.
The Open House will feature an opening flag ceremony, games and refreshments. Scout leaders will be available to answer any questions and membership applications will be available.
For questions about the Open House or joining Cub Scout Pack 97, please contact Cubmaster Dan Mallinson at 717-471-2489.
Cub Scout Pack 97 is sponsored by the Londonderry Fire Company.