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Citizen Input

Londonderry Township wants to hear about your concerns, please complete a Citizen Input Form and submit it so that your concerns can be investigated

When completeing a Citizen Input Form, please include your Name, Phone, Email, and Address as provided so that we may follow up with you regarding your concerns and potential actions that maybe taken.

It is the practice of the Township to keep information of residents filing a Citizen Input Form private to the extent allowed by law.

Depending on the complaint and needed action, a Citizens Input Form maybe considered an "Investigative Record" and not subject to Right to Know requests.

Not all concerns are able to be addressed by the Township for a variety of reasons. If your concern is something that would be better handled with another agency, you may be directed to contact a more appropriate agency for your concerns.

Citizen Input Forms can be dropped off at the Township Office during office hours or emailed to

Citizen Input Form