Londonderry Athletic Association
Sunset Park
Registration begins in January:
T-Ball & Baseball – Ages 5-12
Girls Slow-Pitch Softball – Ages 5-18
Girls Fast-Pitch Softball – Ages 14U and 10U
For more information, please visit our website: www.LeagueLineup.com/LAA
Boys/Girls Scouts

Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts
Cub Scout Pack 97 Londonderry is open to boys — and now GIRLS — going into kindergarten through 5th grade. The Pack offers youth a year-round calendar of fun activities such as competing at our annual Pinewood Derby, celebrating achievements at our annual Blue & Gold Dinner, community service projects, camping, hiking, biking, fishing, and much more! For more information, contact Cubmaster Dan Mallinson at 717-471-2489.
Boy Scout Troop 97 Londonderry is open to boys in 5th grade or older who are interested in camping, hiking, canoeing, survival skills, leadership opportunities, community service and most importantly fun! Troop 97 meetings are held from 6:30-8pm on Tuesday evenings year-round, in addition to monthly outdoor adventures and annual summer camp. For more information, contact Scoutmaster Bill Lee at 717-847-8974.
Our 8-acre Troop Complex is located at 1831 Felker Road in Middletown, Londonderry Township. Youth do not need to reside in Londonderry Township or have any prior scouting experience to join. Both the Pack and the Troop are sponsored by the Londonderry Fire Company.

Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts of the USA is the world’s preeminent organization dedicated solely to girls—all girls—where, in an accepting and nurturing environment, girls build character and skills for success in the real world. In partnership with committed adult volunteers, girls develop qualities that will serve them all their lives, like leadership, strong values, social conscience, and conviction about their own potential and self-worth.
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Daisy Girl Scouts (Ages 5-6)
Brownie Girl Scouts (Ages 6-8)
Junior Girl Scouts (Ages 8-11)
Girl Scouts (Ages 11-17)
Information on Girl Scouts can be found at www.girlscouts.org.