Resources For Farmers
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Lower Susquehanna Regional Partnership
Accelerating Farmer Outreach and Conservation Practice Adoption in the Chiques, Conoy, Conewago, Little Conestoga and Spring Creek Creek Watersheds
The Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center facilitates the Lower Susquehanna Regional Partnership, or LSRP, in priority adjacent watersheds in western Lancaster and southern Lebanon and Dauphin Counties.
The partnership is funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and builds upon over a decade of local watershed collaborative efforts facilitated by the AEC in this region. A diverse set of agriculture and conservation partners are working together to provide sampling and data collection, outreach, technical assistance, and funding assistance to interested farmers in the LSRP region.
A “muddy boots" outreach team has been formed, with partners from private sector, conservation districts, NGOs, and Extension joining the AEC in conducting outreach to farmers in the region. Farmers interested in working with the partnership can take advantage of tools developed by Penn State researchers and Extension to improve soil health, water quality and farm productivity. The grant also supports technical assistance and funding administered by the Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County to implement priority conservation practices highlighted in the Phase 3 WIP, including riparian buffers, manure storages, cover crops, no-till transition, stream and wetland restoration, grazing management, barnyard improvements, and 4Rs nutrient management.
The Lower Susquehanna Regional Partnership includes Penn State University, Lancaster, Lebanon and Dauphin County Conservation Districts, USDA NRCS, USDA ARS, Lancaster Farmland Trust, Stroud Water Research Center, PA No-Till Alliance, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Chesapeake Conservancy, Londonderry Township and other local municipalities, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and, most importantly, our local farmers.
Frequently Asked Questions for the Lower Susquehanna Regional Partnership
Our Stormwater Program Pages
- Resources For Homeowners
- Resources For Farmers
- Resources For Students
- Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan
- Water Quality Projects in Londonderry
- Public Education
- Public Involvement
- Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
- Construction
- Post-Construction
- Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping
- Stormwater Management Ordinance (SWMO)
- Annual Report (~13mb)